I have mentioned many times in class that my mother runs a strawberry farm out in the countryside of New Zealand. Not only does she specialize in growing delicious strawberries, but her business also makes a wide variety of great jams.
Thus, once a year or so, I start to crave some of her jam. Recently, I requested a care package of goodies from back home - Of course, with some jam included. While her business specializes in Strawberries, there are all kinds of jam flavours. For example, Raspberry, plum, chilli, feijoa, and many more. I am very simple when it comes to spreads, so I just asked for some Strawberry and Raspberry.
Even though I like the jams I buy here in Japan, they just cannot beat the jams my mother makes. The only problem is I eat all of it so quickly.
If you are interested and want to check out their website here is the link:
原稿をこちらが英語で抑揚をつけて読み、その音声を録音したデータを渡して、それを学生さんは真似て自宅で練習してもらいます。今回3年生の原稿を見て「うっっ!」ときました。題名はA mother’s lullabyです。
読んで涙がでてしまいましたが、読んだDaveも思わずThis IS really sad.と言っています。これを中学生に暗唱させるの?審査員はこれを延々と聞くの?と、何とも言い難い気持ちが沸々と湧いてしまいました。誰だ、原稿の選定をしているのは。ムカムカしていたら、それを小耳に挟んだJulesが「これ、知ってるわ。自分が公立中学で教えてた時の教科書に載ってたモノで、かなり英語の先生の間で人気があるんだよねぇ。よくスピーチの題材で選ばれてたよ。It's depressing.」お涙頂戴を通り越してまさにdepressingです。気になってネットで調べたところ白血病になった佐々木禎子さんの話も選ばれていました。なんなのでしょうこれを選ぶ日本人の感性は。
There’s always something happening in the world.
I’m not good at catching up with what’s happening in the world even though I read some news articles every day as one of my routines, which is not working enough..
This time, I didn’t even realize about the new system of mail delivery in Japan!
I was like “ am I really living in Japan..? “
父 「今土曜日の配達は中止となったので、一般郵便物は土日に届きません。」
Dave-sensei was on "Let's Enjoy English!" on Radio MOMO (79.0 FM). Dave and D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu talk in English and Japanese about shopping for Kojima jeans. Click the button below to listen.
Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, April 28th (today!), at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about Kojima jeans and Golden Week.
4月28日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で児島ジーンズとGWについて話します。
Easter weekend recently passed. Every year in April the holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. My mother recently said, “You don’t celebrate easter there, do you?” This is because Easter is hardly celebrated here in Japan. In my childhood, I always eagerly anticipated the coming of Easter. In many ways, much like Halloween, I feel children in Japan miss out on the many fun experiences of this holiday.
My main memories of Easter are the chocolate eggs. Every year, me and my siblings would go shopping at a department store and beg our mum for the chocolate egg of our choice. These eggs were branded and made by many different sweet companies. Some of these eggs were huge, and there was no way we could convince our parents to buy us them. But we would try to get the biggest egg possible.
I still remember the egg made by the chocolate company ‘Cadbury’ I got one year. Not only was the egg quite a decent size, but the box also came with a large block of chocolate. I felt incredibly lucky. It is not hard to imagine that getting a free giant chocolate egg every year would be a fun experience as a child. I sometimes miss these kinds of childhood memories.
That being said, as an adult is certainly easier to just go buy something you want, when you want it. So maybe I should not complain. I also did not mention, but after I told my mother that we do not celebrate easter here in Japan, she said that maybe she will send me some chocolate eggs as a treat. Maybe I am still lucky.