Easter Memories

Easter weekend recently passed. Every year in April the holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. My mother recently said, “You don’t celebrate easter there, do you?” This is because Easter is hardly celebrated here in Japan. In my childhood, I always eagerly anticipated the coming of Easter. In many ways, much like Halloween, I feel children in Japan miss out on the many fun experiences of this holiday.

My main memories of Easter are the chocolate eggs. Every year, me and my siblings would go shopping at a department store and beg our mum for the chocolate egg of our choice. These eggs were branded and made by many different sweet companies. Some of these eggs were huge, and there was no way we could convince our parents to buy us them. But we would try to get the biggest egg possible.

I still remember the egg made by the chocolate company ‘Cadbury’ I got one year. Not only was the egg quite a decent size, but the box also came with a large block of chocolate. I felt incredibly lucky. It is not hard to imagine that getting a free giant chocolate egg every year would be a fun experience as a child. I sometimes miss these kinds of childhood memories.

That being said, as an adult is certainly easier to just go buy something you want, when you want it. So maybe I should not complain. I also did not mention, but after I told my mother that we do not celebrate easter here in Japan, she said that maybe she will send me some chocolate eggs as a treat. Maybe I am still lucky.

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