Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第87 - 花見 - cherry blossom viewing

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, March 30th (today!), at about 6:10 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about cherry blossoms and WBC.

3月30日(木)6時10分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で花見とWBCについて話します。

David FulvioComment
top and bottom





私が気づかなかったこと。野球で表と裏がやってくると、表記としては「表」と漢字で示すのに、裏になると「ウラ」とカタカナで示すそうです。ひぃ~ 英語ではTopとBottomです。

調べると答えがありました。漢字で書くと「表」も「裏」も下半分が似ているから遠目には見間違いやすいそうな。また裏という字の上半分も画数が多く見えづらい… 老眼の進んでいる私にはよーく見えますけど?

The Taste of New Zealand

About two years ago I posted on this blog about finding a famous New Zealand cookie brand in shops around Okayama. I have always preferred cookies from back home, and so I was surprised when I heard news of a ‘New Zealand-style’ cookie shop opening downtown. I have never thought that NZ cookies had a unique ‘style’, but it made me curious. I decided I had to go check it out.

The shop is called Blac Sheep and the owner seems to have lived in NZ for many years. The cookies there are large, which I guess could be part of the ‘NZ style’. Japanese cookies certainly are small in comparison. The flavors however feel more aimed at Japanese customers, with flavors such as green tea or sweet potato. None the less, I decided to get a more standard chocolate chip cookie (I forgot to take a picture before eating, sorry…). When I took the first bite, I suddenly felt a nostalgic feeling. I thought “Maybe New Zealand really does have a unique style of cookie….”. It was delicious, though a little expensive. I would like to try some of the other flavors sometime.

So, if you are interested in experiencing the taste of a NZ cookie, go check it out.

Jules WhiteComment
マスクについてのお知らせ Announcement regarding masks





David FulvioComment
Casino Royale

How many James Bond films have you seen? I would guess most people have watched at least one or two, especially from the Daniel Craig era. As for me, I’ve seen most of them at least once in my life – my college roommates and I spent a whole weekend binge-watching all the Roger Moore films – but I don’t consider myself a “fan” per se.

A friend of mine, on the other hand, is a huge James Bond aficionado. She knows everything about the martini-sipping spy, including his adventures from both the novels and the movies. Recently, she gave me a copy of Ian Fleming’s Casino Royale, which was the very first novel to feature 007. It was published way back in 1953, and the story is similar to that of the movie. Even the torture scene (if you’ve seen the movie, you know which one I’m talking about!) is taken directly from the book.

Would I recommend it? Unfortunately, it’s hard to give a simple “yes.” On one hand, fans of the series will enjoy discovering Bond’s literary roots. He appears smart and sophisticated, but also more vulnerable and nuanced than he ever does in the movies.

However, the gambling scenes at the titular Casino Royale take up more than half of the book, and they require a very specialized vocabulary. I found myself turning to the dictionary quite often during the long, detailed descriptions of the casino and baccarat, Bond’s game of choice against the villain Le Chiffe. My vocabulary may have improved a little, but it was more frustrating than fun. More importantly, the book can be shockingly old-fashioned in the way it regards women. Bond’s interactions with Vesper, the only important female character in the story, highlight the blatant sexism that was so prominent at the time. Honestly, it’s a bit hard to read now.

In spite of my criticisms, Casino Royale is a fun little time capsule that contains 007 in his original, unfiltered form. It’s informative, if nothing else!

If anyone at NEO is interested in reading it, I’d be happy to loan you my copy.

Nick VastaComment
She made my day!

Hello, March!

It's already been two months since we welcomed 2023 happily! 

Time has flown by so fast!

For many people, February and March are the busiest months in a year.

Have you been getting busier and busier?


「Happy New Year!」と、新年を迎えてすでに2か月経ちました。




























その絵がとても面白かったのでご紹介します◎(Julesも私も大爆笑でしたが同じレッスンを受けられているAさんには不評だったそうです 笑)


It’s very easy to guess what character he drew! haha
