What is the best way of releasing your stress?

Hello, February!

It's been getting colder and colder and I'm shrinking with cold..



Kさん「I had shingles.」

私「How long did you have them?」

Kさん「Ah... two weeks?」

私「You've had shingles for two weeks?!」
















How do you get rid of your stress?

For me, doing exercises is the best way of releasing mine.

If you have any tips, let's share them with me!

NEO was cleansed of Demons yesterday!

The demon

Yesterday, on Setsubun, the brave children of NEO used roasted soybeans to battle a terrible demon.

The brave children

The demon was so scary, but eventually he ran away.

Eating silently

My family all ate Ehomaki (sushi rolls). We had fried shrimp and teriyaki chicken flavors. Everybody except Ayumi ate their sushi roll silently while facing this year’s lucky direction, South-Southeast.

Who are they?

Later at night, some cute demons appeared, but we also threw beans at them until they left. 笑

David FulvioComment
I snapped my knee...



そんな頃にやって来られた別の男性生徒さんがこれまた脚を負傷されました。We're both limpy.でございます。その生徒さんがメールにこう書いてこられました。

I have to go rehab for my leg. 「脚のリハビリに行かないと」(英語の文法には着目しないでください)










Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第85 - 寒いです!- It's so cold!

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, January 26th (today!), at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about cold winter weather and Setsubun.

1月26日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で寒い冬天気と節分について話します。

David FulvioComment
The Bath Houses of Kinosaki

I recently visited Kinosaki, a famous hot spring town in northern Hyogo. In the town there are seven famous bath houses you can visit. Each one with its own unique design and feel. Some of them are more popular than others, and you can check anytime online how full each one is. While I did not have enough time to visit all seven, I did get the chance to experience three of them as well as a private bath at the inn I stayed at.

On the first night, the first bath house we visited is called Goshono-Yu. It is the most popular of all seven bath houses. It is regarded as a most beautiful of them, and so, many people want to prioritize going to it. It has an outside bath with a small waterfall leading into it. The second we entered is called Yanagi-Yu. This bath house is simpler, and the hottest of all. To be honest, it was too hot and not so big, so I was not able to enjoy it so much. The next morning, we went to Kono-Yu. This bathhouse had an inside and outside bath. The inside bath was very hot, but the outside one was a good temperature. It was raining at the time, but it was still very relaxing.

Sadly, we did not have enough time to go to the other four bath houses. But there are other things to enjoy in Kinosaki. There is a gondola which can take you up one of the nearby mountains. There is also an aquarium by the ocean about ten minutes north of the town. There are also many kinds of food shops and other activities to enjoy. Particularly, crab is a specialty and can be bought at many places. If you are looking for a relaxing weekend away, Kinosaki is a great place to visit. Just be ready to bathe a lot.

Jules WhiteComment