Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第77 - 児島ジーンズ - Kojima Jeans

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, April 28th (today!), at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about Kojima jeans and Golden Week.

4月28日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で児島ジーンズとGWについて話します。

David FulvioComment
Easter Memories

Easter weekend recently passed. Every year in April the holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. My mother recently said, “You don’t celebrate easter there, do you?” This is because Easter is hardly celebrated here in Japan. In my childhood, I always eagerly anticipated the coming of Easter. In many ways, much like Halloween, I feel children in Japan miss out on the many fun experiences of this holiday.

My main memories of Easter are the chocolate eggs. Every year, me and my siblings would go shopping at a department store and beg our mum for the chocolate egg of our choice. These eggs were branded and made by many different sweet companies. Some of these eggs were huge, and there was no way we could convince our parents to buy us them. But we would try to get the biggest egg possible.

I still remember the egg made by the chocolate company ‘Cadbury’ I got one year. Not only was the egg quite a decent size, but the box also came with a large block of chocolate. I felt incredibly lucky. It is not hard to imagine that getting a free giant chocolate egg every year would be a fun experience as a child. I sometimes miss these kinds of childhood memories.

That being said, as an adult is certainly easier to just go buy something you want, when you want it. So maybe I should not complain. I also did not mention, but after I told my mother that we do not celebrate easter here in Japan, she said that maybe she will send me some chocolate eggs as a treat. Maybe I am still lucky.

Jules WhiteComment
stroke order

「長」「点」「止」「上」「田」 共通点は??






I'm still 25!

It’s already April!

I can’t believe that we welcomed the new year three months ago!

Time has flown by so fast!

( some people might know that I like starting my blog post like this haha )

The busiest month for me is finally over!

Every March, we are very busy preparing for the new lessons starting from April.

How was your March? Was it chaotic?


I like April the best out of all of the months.


Because there is a special day for me, which is my birthday!

Not only that, I can enjoy seeing cherry blossoms too, so I enjoy the month the best!

When I was little, I couldn’t wait for my birthday because everyone around me celebrated it and I felt like I was becoming an adult.

On the other hand, I don’t really look forward to aging now..




This past Sunday, I met up with one of my old friends.

I've known her for more than 13 years which is rare for me.

She's always suave and has tried to help me with anything that she could do.

We talked about aging.

We were like "We've turned 25!! What should we do for our futures?"












Once again, thank you so much for your birthday wishes!

Thanks to not only my co-workers, but also the students, I had a very memorable day today!



Tax season in Japan is already finished, but in America, there are about two weeks left – the time when the procrastinators like me are starting to panic. The deadline in the U.S. this year is April 18.

Actually, many Americans living abroad don’t owe any taxes, but we’re still supposed to report our income to the U.S. government. So I have to do taxes for Japan AND the U.S. every year. It’s not a fun process. Fortunately, e-filing is smoother than it was five or ten years ago.

If you think this all sounds boring, you’re right. It’s very boring. I’m trying to finish mine tomorrow…wish me luck!

Nick VastaComment