Turkey time!

Yesterday we had our 8th annual Thanksgiving Party! Over 40 people joined the party this year. We cooked 3 turkeys, mashed potatoes, candied yams, vegetables, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce and had apple pie, pumpkin pie and ice cream for dessert.

I was in charge of the turkey cooking and Ayumi, RJ and Nick did a lot of cooking and organizing. Thank you for your help!

Many NEO students came out to the party. A special thank you to Takako and Tomoko for doing a LOT of work in the kitchen. Yui, Saya, Makoto, Kazumi and Asami helped cooking too. Naoko and Shunnichi were also there and it was great to see former NEO students Ami and Mitsuru!

Please check out the pictures from the party:

Our next party will be a 新年会 in January! Please join us if you are available.

David FulvioComment