Kumayama Hike

On Sunday, I hiked Kumayama with a group of NEO students. It was my first time to go to that mountain, it is near Osafune, about 40 minutes by car from NEO.

We started at 10am and hiked for about 4.5 hours up and down the mountain with about 30 minutes of break time for snacks and lunch. We covered 8.6 km and went up 700 meters in elevation. The views along the way and from the top were spectacular, even though it was cloudy, we could see all the way to the Seto Inland Sea.

When we were at the top and ready to eat lunch, suddenly S-san pulled her homemade bread and sausage sandwiches and poundcake from her bag. They were delicious but they must have been really heavy to carry all the way up the mountain.

On the way back down the mountain, we stopped at Rakuda Iwa, which was a big rock that kind of looked like a camel (a little bit…). From there we could see the Kirin Beer brewery in the valley below.

David FulvioComment
A good lesson

Hello November!

It’s been colder and colder.

Winter is just around the corner, which I am not really happy about…

As some of you know, I was sick for a whole week last month. 

Here’s what happened to me.
















I learned a good lesson this time although I don’t want to undergo this difficult time ever again… 

A Slice of Heaven

Pizza may be the most perfect meal on the planet. It’s always delicious - even when it’s heated up from last night’s leftovers. Sometimes that’s actually the best. Even when pizza is bad, it’s still good.

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about pizza thanks to a certain Halloween costume I found at Don Quixote. So without further ado, I now present to you my favorite pizzas of all time. Or at least, the ones I could find pictures of.

Nick VastaComment
Happy Halloween!

NEO is off this week, so we celebrated Halloween last week during children’s classes. The staff dressed up in costume every day and so did a lot of our child students. My sons carved our jack-o-lantern and displayed it in the lobby. On Saturday night I went to a Halloween party at a friend’s home and had a fun time hanging out with a very international group of people all in costume. On Tuesday (actual Halloween), I dressed up to go to the optician’s college that I teach at, and I handed out Halloween candy to the students.

David FulvioComment
parcel or package


ちなみにこの郵便受けには小包parcelと印字されています。学校英語でも割合よく導入されているかと思います。主にイギリス英語圏で使われることが多い単語であること、また北米では郵送されてくる小包はpackageと言うことが多いです。私は個人的にはparcelという単語はほぼ使わずpackageという単語一辺倒です。ググった結果、やはりparcelは在米であれば郵便局であるUS Mailが発送する荷物のことをparcelと呼んでいます(⇒そうそう)。またparcelは箱に入れられている物がどれもparcelと呼ばれるのではなく、あくまでも配送・配達される小包が対象です。

