Batman: The Animated Series

When I talk to my brothers online, we spend a lot of time reminiscing on our childhood in New Jersey. One topic that frequently comes up is the movies and TV shows that shaped us as kids.

One of those shows was Batman: The Animated Series. We watched that show religiously every week, along with reruns whenever we could catch them. There have been many other representations of Batman before and since, but that one is the most iconic to us (and probably to many other people born in the 80’s and 90’s).

What made this show special to me was the music, the drama, and the variety of villains Batman faced. It often had surprisingly deep, emotional storylines while still being entertaining to kids. Although it was fairly slow-paced by modern standards, it had fantastic voice acting and animation. I think it’s still one of the best cartoons out there.

If you want to see what a trip down memory lane looks like for me, just listen to the theme song.

One of my favorite episodes is called “Almost Got ‘Im.” It features several villains sitting around a table, sharing stories about their encounters with the Batman. I can still remember how excited I was watching this as a kid.

It’s available on YouTube, but unfortunately, it’s split into five parts. But here it is, if you’d like to give it a try:

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

Nick VastaComment
Year of the Dragon




そこへNEOに日本人講師のえりさんが美味しいものを持ってやってきてくれました。「メラミンスポンジを使って擦ったら大変でしょう?もっといい方法がありますよ。〇〇という液体洗剤を撒いて、ブラシで擦ったらきれいになるんです。」ガビーン 早く知りたかった。


Happy Holidays

Holiday seasonがやってきました。12月上旬が暖かく、遅い遅い紅葉がやってきていたせいもあり、師走の様相を呈しておらずおかしな初冬でした。ここにきてやっと冬らしくなり、Happy HolidaysやHappy New Yearと言うにふさわしくなっています。


NEOの歴代の講師たちもまだネットショッピングがそこまで定着していなかった時代には、せっせと家族のクリスマスプレゼントを買い物に行き、それを自国へ郵送していました。Julesも6年ぶりにNZへ里帰りするのでせっせとお買い物をしていました。難しいのは…贈りたい相手に喜んでもらえるプレゼントを探すこと。趣味も好みもあまり無い人にプレゼントを買うのは頭が痛い。どこの文化でも同じことです。その時にピッタリな英語は(My dad) is hard to shop for.でしょう。単語は超簡単、中学1年生レベルの単語で賄えるというなんて素敵な表現なんでしょう。It's difficult to find something good for (my dad).でも言えますが、単語が8つも必要なので、hard to shop forが簡単です。

大人になった今、私はプレゼントは要りません。自分の欲しいものを買います。What did I get for myself? Oh, please make a wild guess.もちろんテニス用品です。ささやかなお値段のもの、持っていたポイントを使い罪悪感も軽減。クリスマスはまだなのに、もう使っちゃいました。フライングだー(因みに和製英語ですよ)。

Christmas Shopping

This year I will be visiting home for Christmas. I have not been back to New Zealand for many years. The pandemic made it very difficult to go as Japan and NZ were two of the most closed countries in the world at that time. While now traveling is not an issue, it is very expensive. None the less, this year has given a good opportunity to be home during Christmas, so I decided to take it.

While I love the Christmas holidays, there is one thing I hate. That is, Christmas shopping. Being abroad, I usually feel less pressure about shopping for presents. It is often easier to buy something digitally when I can, and I don’t worry too much about trying to send things home. This year, I felt stressed trying to buy interesting presents as I will be able to give them out in person. I wanted to try and find presents that are unique to Japan, and that they can’t get back home. My family is difficult to shop for, and I can never feel confident about what most of them would like to get.

A lot of my choices ended up being cute animal themed. Japan is known for its cute products so maybe it is not so surprising. I was also trying to find products that could be practical and useful. Japan has a lot of convenient and well-designed products. I think these can have a lot of appeal to my family. I am going to bring a lot of different snacks too. The food profile is so different here, and the different kinds of snacks are always super interesting for someone who has never been here.

Even though I dislike shopping for presents so much, there is a good side. On Christmas day I get to receive many presents back. So, I am looking forward to that. Hopefully this trip all goes well.

Jules WhiteComment
Momian Cafe

I know many of you like to try out different cafes around Okayama, so I have another recommendation for you. This one is a bit of a drive, as it’s situated way up in Kumenan-cho. You’ll definitely need a car to get there, but it’s worth the trip.

Momian Café, as it’s known, is near the top of a winding mountain road, overlooking a picturesque, terraced rice field. They serve home-grown, organic food, and the owners are very friendly. They’re happy to talk about the café and the surrounding area. There’s a local legend about a dragon that protects the mountain!

Last weekend was my second trip there. By chance, a group of dog owners was there at the same time. Look at the size of those Great Pyrenees!

Nick VastaComment
something new





そのシングルス会ですが、実は参加したのは平日の仕事前です。午前中は走り回り、午後に出勤。疲労困憊の私は使い物にならず、疲れでため息ばかり。おまけに、普段から筋肉痛は運動をした翌々日にやってくるのに、なんと当日の夕方には筋肉痛がやってきました!私の脚よ、よく頑張ったぞ。Well done!(写真の奥が私です。)
