We are the champions!
The Washington, D.C. professional hockey team, the Capitals, have won the National Hockey League championship! The championship is called the Stanley Cup Final, which is named after the trophy (pictured below) that the winning team gets.
The Stanley Cup. It's really heavy.
This is the first championship for Washington, D.C. in one of the major four sports (football, basketball, baseball, hockey) since the football team won in 1992. There are about 30 teams in each sport (32 in football, 31 in hockey), so not winning a championship in 26 years is a long time. Washington had the fourth longest no-championship streak in the country, behind Cincinnati, Ohio (since 1990), Minneapolis, Minnesota (since 1969) and Buffalo, New York (since 1965). However, those cities only have two professional sports teams each.
Washington, D.C. is celebrating tonight! I’m not sure people will be very productive at work tomorrow.