Two weeks ago, I went to Yakushima in southern Kyushu. I’ve often heard students talk about Yakushima, and Dave and Ayumi went there a few years ago, so I wanted to see it myself.
I traveled alone, and I didn’t join a tour group. To prepare, I did lots of research on the Internet and I asked people who had been there. I appreciate all the advice from students!
Yakushima is one of the rainiest places in Japan, and I went during the rainy season. So I was prepared for bad weather. I bought a new rain jacket and waterproof shoes. Dave also loaned me some rain gear, which was a big help.
I stayed at a minshuku for three nights, and I had two full days of hiking. The first day I hiked to Jomon-sugi. It was a 9.5 hour hike in pouring rain…definitely an adventure! I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t take better pictures.
Wilson’s Stump, inside and out:
The second day I hiked in an area called Shiratani Unsuikyo. This was my favorite place – the weather was foggy and mysterious, I saw lots of deer and monkeys, and I hiked for about 3 hours without seeing any other people.
Normally I like the city more than the countryside, but Yakushima was unforgettable. I hope to go back someday, maybe with my family. Next time, I’m going to bring a tripod and get some better pictures!