A small pleasure for me these days...

It's been about one month since I wrote my first blog post here.

How was your summer?

Mine was ok, but it was like watching grass grow..

Also, it is already September!

Can you believe that there are only 3 months left this year.. ?


皆さんの夏休み/お盆 はいかがでしたか?




あれからもう1年経ったとは驚きです...Time has flown too fast!

What has excited me recently is eating snacks at midnight..!

Only on the weekends, I stay up late having some snacks.

I can acknowledge that it is a bad habit but I just can't stop myself from doing it no matter how many times I've tried to..!

My favorite snacks are chips(堅あげポテト) and instant noodles(辛ラーメン).





Do you have any bad habits that you already know that you should stop but you just can't?

If you do, please share some with me!

Kabuki Ukiyoe
kabuki painting.jpg

One of my earliest connections to Japan was this famous ukiyoe by Tojusai Sharaku. As the information plaque says, Sharaku was known for his paintings of kabuki actors in various roles.

As a young child, I used to stare at this painting every day. My parents had a print of it on the wall near the front door. I was fascinated by the angry expression, the red eyes, the strangely-shaped hands. I even tried to imitate it by scrunching up my face and holding my hands in front of me. At least, that’s what my mom says – I don’t really remember.

This picture is from an art museum. My mom saw it there and asked me if it reminds me of home. It does, of course! I’m sure that picture will still be there on the wall the next time I go home.

Nick VastaComment
bedtime stories


読みきかせをする本は簡単な絵本から小学高学年向けの物語など手あたり次第。英語でも日本語でも、短い絵本であれば万々歳です。英語ではCurious Georgeシリーズ、Clifford the Big Red Dogシリーズ、The Berenstain Bearsシリーズ、Richard Scarry’sなどが我が家に転がっています。

その中で最近買ったのは”Frog and Toad”の小シリーズです。短編がいくつかありますが、そのうちのThe Letterという物語は小学生の国語の教科書に翻訳が載っています。これがまた、得も言われぬ可愛いお話なのです。というよりもその他のお話も読んだ後に「ほぅっ」っと言いたくなるような温かいものがあります。

英語では題名がFrog and Toadですが、日本語翻訳版では「がまくんとかえるくん」となっており原作と逆です。Toadはガマガエル(=ヒキガエル)と訳され、Frogは日本語ではアマガエルですが「かえる」のみに訳されています。が、「かえるとがまがえる」という題名よりも、逆にした方が日本語では音節的におさまりが良いのでしょう。



Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第69 -Vaccines, baseball and summer activities - ワクチン、甲子園、夏休みなど

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, August 26th (today!), at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about vaccines, the Japan High School Baseball Championship and other summer activities.

8月26日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方でワクチンや甲子園、夏休みなどについて話します。

David FulvioComment
Tea Time!

Recently I went to Tea Time, an art exhibition downtown made by Team Lab. It is in an old soy sauce storehouse near Korakuen. At Tea Time, you have 20 minutes to enjoy tea in a dark room illuminated by colorful lights and water reflections. What is special about this experience are the glasses that you drink out of. They continuously glow and change a range of colors such as white, blue, pink, and so on.

It was short, but a fun and refreshing experience. The only downside…. You don’t want to finish your tea because the light stops!

Jules WhiteComment