Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第61 - Christmas Eve - クリスマス・イブ

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday, December 24th, at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about Christmas Eve.

12月24日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方でクリスマス・イブについて話します。

David FulvioComment
the old one






語源学ではcounter (contra)が「反対」で、バスケットボールではカウンターアタック(速攻・反撃)なんてありますね。


実際の会話ではfake money(偽金)という言い方で簡単に言い換えられるのですが、覚えておいて損はない単語です。

海外では紙幣をかなり乱雑に扱われることがあり、わざわざ財布に入れずmoney clipで紙幣を留めてポケットに折って入れている人もいます。米ドルなんかは日本の紙幣ほど幅広でないのでポケットにサクっと入れやすいものです。



Goodbye Ryo-sensei! (T_T)

Ryo started teaching at NEO about two and a half years ago. She replaced a popular teacher (Manami-sensei), so we were happy to see that she was also well liked by the students.


Ryo will be moving to Kanto area in January. We wish her good luck and hope to see her when she comes back to Okayama.


On Sunday we had a party to say goodbye to Ryo and also to welcome our new teacher, Marina-sensei. Due to the corona-virus, we held the party outside at NEO so that we could social distance ourselves. It was a little cold, but we all had a great time!


Thank you to everybody who came to the party and to everybody who brought a lot of delicious food and drinks!


Check out the rest of the pictures below. Feel free to download any picture that you want to keep.

David FulvioComment
Radio MOMO「Let's Enjoy English!」第60 - Black Friday - ブラックフライデー

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu tomorrow, November 26th, at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about Black Friday.

11月26日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMO (79.0FM) に出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方でブラックフライデーについて話します。

David FulvioComment
Autumn Leaves

Recently I went to Shizutani School for the first time. Like many other places across Japan, it is famous for it’s autumn leaves. While there are places in NZ with beautiful autumn leaves, where I am from in NZ the autumn leaves are…. not so beautiful. The leaves turn brown and simply fall off.

For this reason, I am amazed by the variety of pretty colors that I can see even here in Okayama. What seems normal in Japan, is something special for me. The vibrant red, yellow and oranges leaves are always a sight to enjoy.

Soon it will be winter, and even Japan’s winter season has its own surprises for me. My hometown never snows, but Okayama gets at least a little snowfall every year. I still often feel like a child witnessing snow for the first time. Maybe one day I will get to experience a white Christmas….

Jules White Comment