Be my Valentine??










As many of you know, I went to Europe with my family over the holiday vacation this year. My wife and I went to Rome, Italy, and met up with my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend. We spent about five days in Rome and then my wife and I went to Seville, Spain (three days), Lisbon, Portugal (four days), and Frankfurt, Germany (one night). We had a great time!

Rome was interesting because it is filled with history. We saw the Vatican, which is the headquarters of the Catholic Church. It is filled with art from various periods of European history, and has some really interesting paintings and sculptures. We also saw ancient Roman ruins, such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon.

In Spain and Portugal we mostly relaxed and walked around – we didn’t make any plans or reservations except for one restaurant in Seville. It was great! We woke up whenever we felt like it, took naps, and ate when we were hungry. We saw a few sights, but spent most of our time relaxing.

Unfortunately, our flight back to Japan was delayed and we had to spend a night in Germany. Germany was nice and the food was good, but it was very cold and got dark at about 4:30.


We had a great trip! Our favorite country was Portugal. The people were very friendly, everything was very cheap, and the English level was extremely high. I recommend it!

Hal KenetyComment
Radio MOMO 「Let's Enjoy English!」第38 - Setsubun・節分

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday January 31st at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about Setsubun and Groundhog Day.

1月31日(木)5時40分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMOに出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で節分とグラウンドホッグデーについて話します。

David FulvioComment
New Year's Party

On Saturday night we had NEO’s New Year’s party (新年会). Twenty NEO students got together with the staff (plus Tatsuki & Satoshi), so we had quite a large group.


We got together at Maihara izakaya by the Daianji intersection downtown. It was my first time there and they served some interesting dishes, like fried asparagus that looked like fried shrimp.


Our original plan was to stay at the restaurant for 2 hours, but we were all chatting so nicely that we were there for almost 3 hours! After we finished eating, we all gathered outside for a group photo.

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Some people went home or someplace else, but about 8 of us moved on to another place, a small bar called Tiki Bar Headhunter. This bar is run by my friend “Guchi” and has a Polynesian theme. Guchi also makes delicious fruity cocktails.


By chance, there was a Jive Dance event going on that night. A group of people who enjoy 1940s - 1960s music, dancing and clothing gather there each month. One of the ladies grabbed me and asked me to dance. I’m not a great dancer, but I did take a dancing class way back in university, so I pulled out some of my old Jitterbug moves and had a great time dancing.

We all had a very nice evening and night. Thanks for coming out, everybody!

David FulvioComment




空気が乾燥するアメリカ・カリフォルニアでは自然火災が頻発しますが、これをwild fireと言います。

では「類焼」は?オンライン辞書では”catch fire”とありますが、それでは「火が付く、燃え始める」という意味も含んでしまうので日本語の類焼と全く同じようには使えません。”spread”「広がる」を使いますが、そうなるとfire spreads「火が周りに広がる」と表現します。日本語ではあくまでも「家が類焼する」と言い、家や建物が主語です。火が広がることに焦点を当てているのか、家がもらい火をしてしまうことに焦点を当てているのかですね。

ちなみに「野次馬」に対する英語があります。ですがこれまた全く同じ使い方ではありません。言語が違うので意味のずれがあって当然ですね。コタエ rubberneck
