The baby has arrived.

お待たせしておりましたが、日本人講師をしてくれていたManamiが無事第一子を出産しました。予定日より1週間遅れましたが、五体満足3500gの可愛いBaby boy です。妊娠期からこの赤ちゃんは本当にいい子でした。NEOにとっては本当に親孝行な子です。





Diners: An American Tradition

My family and me at Meadows Diner.

Even though I’ve lived abroad for many years, I still miss a lot of foods from home. So whenever I go home, one of the first places I go is my local diner. The one near me is called Meadows Diner.

We don’t have anything quite like a real diner in Okayama. If you don’t know, a diner is a kind of restaurant where you can get a large variety of food at any time of day or night.

Many diners have a nostalgic or retro style, which makes them easy to recognize. Shiny metal siding and neon signs are also common. No two diners are exactly alike, but most of them have these characteristics:

-They’re open very late, often 24 hours.
-They have a large menu with breakfast, lunch, and dinner available all day.
-They’re usually local, family-owned, independent places (i.e. not a chain).
-They have bar seats as well as tables and booths.
-They serve lots of coffee, usually with free refills.

Some of the most popular items on the menu are usually breakfast foods, like omelets and pancakes, and lunch foods, like soups and sandwiches. And all of it is delicious.

Of course, I may be a little biased because I’m from New Jersey, the diner capital of the world! We have more diners than any other state in the U.S. There was an article about it just a couple of weeks ago on the BBC. Take a look!

Nick VastaComment
Donation, please.









Radio MOMO 「Let's Enjoy English!」第34 - September Holidays・9月の祝祭日

Dave-sensei will be on Radio MOMO (79.0FM) with D.J. Chiaki Kamibeppu on Thursday September 27th at about 5:40 pm. They will talk in English and Japanese about holidays in September.

8月30日(木)6時15分ごろにDave先生がRadio MOMOに出演します(DJは上別府千晶さん)。英語と日本語の両方で9月の祝祭日について話します。

David FulvioComment
Anna Mazurek, Photographer

When I went to Mongolia last month, I was traveling with a friend named Anna Mazurek. Anna is a professional photographer, and she takes wonderful travel photographs. She has been on many adventures in over 50 countries around the world.

Although Anna and I are both American, I’ve never seen her in the US! A mutual friend introduced us in 2009, and at first, we only kept in touch over Facebook. Since we both like traveling and photography, we eventually made plans to go someplace new – Myanmar. Along with my friend Trevor, we made that trip in 2012. I saw Anna again the next year when she came to Japan, and Mongolia was the third time.

Here she is in Bagan Valley in Myanmar, Tottori in Japan, and Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.

Anna is an excellent photographer. Here’s where you can see her work:

You can follow her on Instagram:

Finally, here’s her site about how to travel cheaply. She has lots of good advice:

Nick VastaComment