英会話 NEO

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What made me feel nostalgic is...

How have you all been doing recently?

It's been getting colder and colder and I'm freezing in the cold..

Please stay warm and healthy!

I played Othello for the first time in a while.

I can't remember when I played it last.

I was very excited to see an Othello set at a store, so I felt like playing it.

We had a lot of free time at home and I just wanted to try something else that we hadn't done before and we decided to play it.

I thought I would win but opposite to my expectations, he had good strategies to win...so he won.

I felt that the rules were very simple but actually they weren't.

I hoped to win and it made me frustrated!

Next time, I will win against him!



Do you like board games?

Have you played one?

If you have, please share your experience with me!