英会話 NEO

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Exploring Shiraishi

About six years ago I went and stayed at the international villa on Shiraishi island in Kasaoka for a friend’s goodbye party. But it was during the cold season, and it rained the entire time. So, we just hung out at the villa and ate a lot of food.

During the Neo break I decided to take a trip to Shiraishi Island again. But this time, I wanted to go back and see more of the island in better weather. We went on a Friday, and we were the only tourists on the island that day. It was still very hot for October, and as we found out soon after, the island was covered with giant spiders. They had made webs across many of the walking paths.

We tried to go to as many sightseeing spots as possible. Kairyu Temple in the middle of the island was one of the most beautiful locations. There was also a climbable rock, high up on one of the island’s hills. We were able to get a great view of the island from there. Even though we didn’t swim that day, there is also a great beach on the island.

Shiraishi is known for getting many foreign tourists. Sadly, it is difficult for tourists to visit right now but hopefully in the future many people will go there again.