英会話 NEO

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Japan’s No.1 Snack Market

I had heard the name of Japan’s No.1 Snack market many times, but I honestly knew nothing about it. By chance I was in the Bizen area, and someone suggested we stop by. I was not sure what to expect. We were in the middle of the countryside, there were rice fields and old houses all around. Suddenly when we arrived there was a full parking lot, and there were also many big tour buses. I was surprised as I did not realize that it was such a popular place.

Entering the warehouse, it was clear that it was even bigger than I expected. It had several different rooms, each with its own theme of snack. The entrance / register room focused on chocolates, cookies and drinks, another on candy, one on snacks to eat with alcohol, and the last had rice crackers and snack related collectible goods. I had never seen so many snacks in one place in my life. It looked like a child’s dream shopping experience.

I bought a few candies and chocolates that looked interesting, and that I had never tried before. Trying to choose was difficult due to the huge selection that was in front of me. Maybe I should have bought more than I did. None the less, it was a fun experience to see such a place.