Last week Dave went to Tokyo, and he brought back one of my favorite Japanese treats – Gomatamago. The name can be translated as “black sesame egg” in English. A friend of mine in the U.S. recently asked me about these “sesame eggs,” so I want to post an explanation here in English.
True to its name, a Gomatamago is the same size and shape as an egg. The center is made of sweet bean paste and black sesame seeds. Together, they form a rich, almost creamy “yolk.” The middle is made of sponge cake, and the outer “shell” is a thin coating of white chocolate.
Photo: www.tenkai-japan.com
When you first bite into one and see the jet-black center, it can be a little surprising. I didn’t think it looked like food at first! But end result of all those combined flavors is actually very good. I was hooked after the first one.
I know the top omiyage to come out of the capital is probably Tokyo Banana. When I first came to Japan, I liked them because they’re very sweet, like a lot of American treats. But after 6 years here, I guess my tastes have changed. I’ll take Gomatamago over Tokyo Banana any day!
What’s your favorite omiyage? Does your hometown have any well-known products like Gomatamago?